Hey guys, so I think I have waited far to long to do this post but here it goes, I started using this moisturiser back in October 2013 but I have never blogged about it. I do also use the three step kit that clinque do but sometimes I switch and change to my liz earle cleanser and eye potion etc. Although I always stick to this moisturiser.
Like any moisturiser it will work wonders if you use it everyday. I do still now and again get dry patches if I haven't been sticking to my daily skincare routine but this sorts any dry bits out wonderful. It is extra moist so it soaks in straight away and makes them disappear. I often start blending my make-up in while it is still soaking in just so my makeup blends a bit easier over the dry patches.
Some moisturisers that I have used in the past for dry skin are very thick and rich although this one is much more running which I really like, I have a Clinque overnight cream which is much more thicker that I use on a night! That is also great.
You can get this in different bottles some are just an average bottle or you can get the one with the pump which I did get for the first time. It is great and I feel like I use less.
This is a little swatch of it, it comes out yellow as you can see but it is an all round really good moisturiser.
I would definitly recommend this product if you do have dry skin and Clinque is such a good company. If you don't have dry skin Clinque have a test you can complete which will give you the best moisturiser for your skin! Which i think it amazing and all you do is answer a few questions about your skin :)
Now depending on the size of the bottle the prize does vary.
This one was £29.50 but it ranges from £9.50
Thanks for reading