Thursday, 1 August 2013

My make-up story

I was stuck in traffic all the way home, i pre-occupied my mind by thinking about what sort of different posts I could put up! I thought about why not a history on how I have got on with make-up over my teenage years and what got me so into make-up so much to start a blog.

I probably started wearing make-up around the age of 13 just a little bit mascara and blusher. I was more into nail varnish at this time and my school was always telling me to take it off. One of the main reasons I started wearing make-up at this age was because everyone else around me was. I thought it was a grown up thing to do not really understanding make-up at all. As I got old I'd say around 15 was when i started doing a full face of make-up so to speak. One of my first foundations was a rimmel which by all means made me look orange. I had no idea what a colour match was and I was wearing a foundation that totally didn't match my skin type. Looking back I looked horrible. So I think my mam started to pick up this wasn't the look for me and decided to take me to get some make-up. A lot of my friends were using dream matte mousse. I got the perfect colour and I started learning how to blend etc etc. I suppose I started exploring with make-up but I only ever got make-up from drugstores. I also got the powder from maybelline which matched this. I used these until i was 17. I at 15 i also started to wear eyeliner. Id wear this under my eyes and I have done this until about 5months ago.
So this is the look I'd gone for starting at around 15/16 and it stayed like this for a long time with a few adjustments. I was very bland I never really wore blushers I owned probably none until I was about 16. Another thing I never wore mascara hardlys I didn't feel it ever made a difference to my eyes and I have tried a lot. In this picture I don't think I have any mascara on.I also never did much with my eyebrows they were so bad I dont know what was going on in my head! So when my 17 birthday past a few months after I pasted my driving test which led to me getting a little job in a coffee shop where I still am now! This started giving me extra cash etc etc. I started looking at you tube videos around the summer of 2012. I did this for a good while and this is when I started understanding the concept of make-up and it really made me love it. I then started looking at blogs and reading what everyone had to say. For my birthday my mam bought me my first high end make-up and since then my full make-up bag has changed. I started getting into high end brands mainly because I could afford them. I read up on a lot of products before buying them and i just started to explore and play about with make-up. I still haven't forgotten about drugstore make-up because there is a lot of good make-up still to have from there but I understand make-up and it is such an amazing thing. 

It was only this year in may when I made my first blog which is this one. I am loving every second of it. It has given me confidence to try new things and I love the community that goes along with it!  
This is me today!

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